"Christian women must reject any distorted view of the modern housewife- whether it be the miserable household drudge; the fanatical, sock-matching wonder-woman; the child-centered, worn out soccer mom; or the deceptive, apron wearing vixen. When we consistently renew our minds by absorbing Scripture and by passionately embracing the sacred calling God has truly given us as women, we will refute the perverted image of the desperate housewife by believing His promises and showing the world there is something better for which we can truly be passionate!"
- Passionate Housewives Desperate for God
This book came in the mail yesterday afternoon, and I've already read it all. It was a breath of fresh air and encouragement. I was blessed with some rare quiet time this morning, since I got up around 5, and was able to finish it and then turn to the dishes and watch the sunrise while thinking over what I'd been reading.
"If the world can convince us to acquire a taste for the futile blandness found in a self centered marriage, to be content with recreational motherhood, and to prefer a sterile, disposable version of home "economics," then we will miss the beauty and poetry that is ours in the heavenly magnum opus of a God-glorifying, well-ordered home."
- Passionate Housewives Desperate for God
Today I'm thankful for the beauty of clean dishes, of sunlight coming through windows, of my dishsoap
in a pretty recycled vinegar bottle, and watching the sunrise as I wash away, wearing my beloved gloves...
"What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God.
We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred
and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work,
but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow."
- Martin Luther
and leftover biscuits so I can have them with breakfast
...and for the peace to take pictures of the reflections in my dishwater, and to share my reflections with you. :)