
Thursday, May 29, 2008


Midwife "not practicing medicine without a license"

"The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled 5-2 on Friday that a Lancaster County, Pa.-based midwife was not practicing medicine without a license by assisting at home births, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. The ruling lifts a cease-and-desist order from the State Board of Medicine against midwife Diane Goslin. State officials initially charged Goslin because she is a lay midwife and not a nurse midwife (Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/24)."
- From an article here, which showed up in my Yahoo! News Alert for "midwife".

This article mistakenly refers to Goslin as a "lay" midwife. This is incorrect, because as this other article notes, Goslin is certified as a CPM through the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) which is recognized in 22 states, but not in Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

True Story!

Read it here.

And you thought we were sleep deprived just because of Nathan!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meanderings, with links

* Here is a great page on how to wear your baby in a ring sling (that's what I'm using right now) or pouch. This was really helpful to me since I've only seen one person using a ring sling, and hers was slightly different from mine. Great instructions on how to use it for different carrying positions. I wish I'd found this earlier!

* A new study warns about the possible dangers of mobile phones and pregnancy. Hmm. They do also add that "there might be other possible explanations that they did not examine – such as that mothers who used the phones frequently might pay less attention to their children – and stress that the results "should be interpreted with caution" and checked by further studies. But they conclude that "if they are real they would have major public health implications"."

* It was a disappointment last week when the Missouri legislative session ended without passing the midwifery bill that we were hoping would go through. Here is an article with more details- note, however, that it incorrectly states that the bill would've legalized "lay midwives". It would've legalized CPM's, which isn't at all the same thing.

Cute Baby

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

One Hand all I have to type with, at the moment, so I'll keep this short...

Nathan weighs 12 1/2 lbs! He is 1 month old and becoming more aware and alert. He has rolled from tummy to back several times, and kicks a lot while on his tummy. Gearing up to go. :-)

Meredith at Like Merchant Ships posted a Fruit Tea recipe that looks delicious! Especially with warmer weather, and summer on the way.

On the topic of recipes, check out Luke's Cookies! These are reaaly, really, really good. Really. But unless you're going to freeze pre shaped cookie dough (I've done it with this dough, works great- the perfect thrifty convenience dessert!), or you're planning on feeding an army of cookie monsters (or siblings!) you'll probably want to halve the recipe. I usually do. This recipe is in the Hot Providence cookbook, which I absolutely love. Nothing I have tried from there has failed, which means I can cook with confidence and try new recipes without wondering if they'll work.
(In the middle of that paragraph Nathan woke up and I switched him from my left arm to on my lap, so I've had both hands. There. Full disclosure.)

Well, he's waking up, and a bit fussy, so adios! Have a blessed Tuesday. :-)