
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring Is Here

Spring is here. The weather is rather gray today, but the green mist of growing grass on the fields, and the new leaves and flowers on the trees remind me that it is indeed spring.


natalie said...

Lauren- absolutely. And thanks. :o)

Thanks, Deborah Anne! I'm still adjusting to the difference between an Arizonan spring and a Missouri spring... :-)
Hey, if you send me some snow I'll send you some flowers... ;-) (Since I didn't have a chance to throw any snowballs worthy of the name this year...)

natalie said...

Aaaaahhh! That's COLD! *shakes snow out of ear and hair* Brrr....
*throws a snowball at Deborah*

natalie said...

Now, Deborah, just because I throw like a girl is no reason to giggle! ;-)
Besides, I think you're safer standing decreases your chances of getting hit by one of my throws.
*tries again to hit Deborah with a snowball*

Diah said...

YES! winter is over! Spring is here. Aslan has come!

JFC said...

Naddy & Deborah ...

Great snowball fight ... but you two need to team up against somebody else ...

** whizzz ***

No, No! I didn't mean me.

** Thunk ... Thunk **

Naddy, whaddaya mean, you throw like a girl? Hey, that hurt! Come on, Deborah, be nice ... I'm the one that suggested you two team up!

JFC said...

*winding up*

*the kick*

*the release*

*steee-rike one*

it's a good thing I'm being nice, Deborah, and taking aim at inanimate objects. You don't want an ex-pitcher throwing at you!

the reality is, I'm more likely to hit you if I aim at the strike zone than if I aim at you :D

natalie said...

Diah- Yes! :-)
JFC- Great idea! (Especially since Deborah isn't throwing any at me anymore!)
Deborah- Good throw! Um...did you just knock Diah unconcious?
JFC- Maybe we should make snowmen for you to aim at.

JFC said...

I guess (most) snowballs are less dangerous than black walnuts still in their green hulls. Huh, Diah :)

Q: Was Deborah more than a little chagrined when it happened?

Anonymous said...

This is like a tennis court in here! Back and forth, and back and forth... Snow is much more preferable to walnuts. Especially to an innocent bystander who got hit on the foot...ouch. (Remember DAB? when you were here, and the littlest warrior got me! I wasn't even part of the battle!!!)
Nice pictures, Natalie.
I'll just be sitting over here in this snow drift, making a snow angel, so none of you need to aim at me, okay?!!


Diah said...

*regains conciousness, sits up, shakes head, recovers from momentary memory loss, nonchalantly walks up to deborah with a arm load of snow, dumps on deborah.

JFC-I would say more than a little.
and the walnuts were in brown juicy hulls, the clothes I wear yet today still bear the stain.
She may throw like a "girl", but look out, that "girl" hits what she aims at!!!

JFC said...

Junior, I pledge on my honor that I will not aim at you. (Even that is no guarantee that you won't be hit, but I'll do my best). However, beware; there are less scrupulous individuals lurking all over the place, and I would hate for you to not be watchful.

Diah, somehow when you say that Deborah throws like a girl, I bet the girl she throws like is Deborah, which could be an entirely different matter than some girls.

JFC said...

Wow! I sure am glad it was in the 70's today and all the snow melted. I was starting to get sore from being pelted by all those snowballs.

Now ... let's NOT start throwing walnuts.

DAB said And of course I hit what I aim at!

I thought so!

JFC said...


DAB, you put that walnut down!

natalie said...

I tried to throw walnuts into the wheelbarrow last year while gathering them with my brothers...but they accused me of throwing walnuts at them, apparently not understanding that it's the thought that counts, and I hadn't been trying to throw them at me. They just couldn't believe my aim really was that bad...
How about giving me some throwing tips, Deborah? ;-)

natalie said...

Thanks, Deborah!

*endangers the entire internet population by practicing with walnuts*

JFC said...

if you are right handed, put your right foot forward a bit

What you don't realize, Naddy, is that Deborah is trying to give you a distinct DISadvantage in this new sport (if walnut-casting can be considered a sport; personally, I classify it with boxing and hockey, which are doubtful).

A right-handed thrower should actually place the right foot BACK rather than forward, and then as the arm comes over the head and moves forward to release the walnut, the right foot tracks with it, and ends up extended forward. If you START with the right foot forward, then you would be accused of "throwing like a girl," which, although you are a girl (correction: young lady), that would not be intended to be a compliment.

I'm sure your father would be much more reliable (he has your best interests at heart much more than a potential opponent) at giving you instruction in this skill-set.

And, if walnuts are going to be flying, perhaps I should go put on my full body armor.

** departs to ask the French knights to provide their troubadour with a coat of mail **

JFC said...

DAB, DAB, you needn't have confessed the faux pas ... I gave you a perfectly good out; you could have confessed intentional moral turpitude -- trying to gain a competitive edge.

JFC said...

Y'all watch out. Deborah told me that it's near blizzard conditions this morning in Colorado, so I would be on the lookout for snowballs to be cruising through the air on a collision course with our careless selves. At least that might preclude walnuts, though.

**I just couldn't let this thread die :)**

natalie said...

I haven't seen any walnuts (or snowballs) around to throw, but yesterday I threw a mud ball- using as many of Deborah's tips as I could remember- and lemme tell ya, if I hit you, either I'm aiming at someone else, or you ran right into the path of the missguided missile!

*hides from Deborah behind a tree*

JFC said...

Speaking of throwing mudballs

JFC said...

Sadly we didn't have any snow that stuck (just a nice bit of moisture however), so I don't have any snowballs to throw at anyone. And since we do not have any walnuts, I suppose I can't throw them either...
Hmmmm. I guess all I have are rocks, and that would be mean ...

No snow. No walnuts. Rocks are too mean. DAB, you've missed the obvious. (just a nice bit of moisture however), means that you should have mud. (That is, by the way, not to be confused with "not mud", much of which can be found at Bechard Farms ... as in, "Was that mud, or 'not-mud' that you tracked in from the pasture where the cows are?")

natalie said...

Ack! MUD! :-o (On the other hand, mud is much better than "not-mud" in the context of things being thrown...)

I practiced throwing today...I was on my way out to my garden, to harvest rocks, and one of the boys had left out a thingee (yes, that is the technical name... ;-) that you attach to the wrist and then throw. I tried it, but it was rather dangerous... you throw it, see, and then the elastic makes it come back at you, and so then it hits you. Violent toys, I tell ya, I don't know what the world is coming to!

JFC said...

(On the other hand, mud is much better than "not-mud" in the context of things being thrown...)

Fully agreed! Not mud has been used for other aspects related to baseball, though. Back about 1968 or 1970 or so, Homer and Jethro (parody artists) did a parody of Johnny Cash's "Daddy Sang Bass" ... only in this song, the family played ball together, rather than singing together.

And in one of the verses, someone slid into the wrong pile of second base.

'Nuff said.

natalie said...

Throwing isn't the only dangerous activity involving roughly spherical objects, though, y'know. Serving a volleyball can be a pretty effective way of endangering every living creature in the vicinity as well, as I know to my own embarrasment (and amusement, because if you can't laugh at yourself, life really isn't half as funny!)

JFC said...


I'm glad this thread is once again active; I had resigned myself to the notion that it had died, and I didn't want to resurrect it myself.

*who even knows that it is again active, he thinks to himself*

I presume you refer to Saturday (from which day's celebration I was regrettably absent). So who, in particular, received the brunt of punishment from your service of the spherical object? And did said individual receive the blow to the back of their cephalic region, or some other posterior portion?


JFC said...


Keep up the practice Naddy! And remember, keep your arm straight like you are throwing a dart. :D

I guess I don't know a thing about throwing darts! 'Cause I don't throw a baseball anything like I would throw a dart. :D

natalie said...

I don't think I actually hit anyone, just had some really close calls. :-)

Anonymous said...

Can't I join into the game [snowball fight]?

natalie said...

Yes, Joseph, of course you can, but my mother said to warn you that you might get a snowball down the back of your shirt.
So join at your own risk... :-)

Anonymous said...

** throws snowball at Deborah **

** throws another snowball (this one at Diah **

You better not throw a snowball at me; just 'cause I throw it at you doesn't mean you have to throw it at me.

JFC said...

I give you permission to teach Joseph that if he's gonna dish it out, he has to be able to take it.

(As if you needed permission.)


natalie said...

Well, I realize Joseph didn't include me in his snowball throwing, but since Deborah and I are a team (right, D.A.?), I think I'll join in.

*throws snowball at Joseph*

*sees JFC*

*throws snowball at JFC*

*ducks out of sight behind snow fort*

There. :-)

Anonymous said...

*Throws a snowball at Natalie and Joseph*

Wow! You two look like snowmen.

JFC said...

** sends out reconnoissance team which sneaks around behind snow fort and deluges Naddy with snow **

There! ;)

natalie said...


*is deluged with snow*

However, in their haste to sneak, they failed to notice that when they made their final spring, they triggered the automatic snowball catapults built into the snow fort. Therefore, all attackers are now deluged with snow. And I'm not sure I'll share my hot chocolate thermos with such sneaky people! ;-)

JFC said...

** holds up white flag **

Did I hear you say "hot chocolate". Can we discuss terms? Perhaps an unconditional surrender (save the condition that these poor wretched rebels might have a share in the contents of that lovely Thermos®).

Anonymous said...

What sneaky people? I don't see any.


That chocolate was hot.

I didn't say to start a chocolate fight.
If you did, you would be a sticky mess.

JFC said...


Hmmm. Do I detect a French-speaker ... maybe even one who doesn't need BabelFish?


JFC said...

Okay, Naddy. Get out the hose and spray down the Chocolatier.

Anonymous said...

Qu'avez-vous dit le jfc ?

* Pulvérisez le jfc avec le tuyau *

Ha I vous a obtenu. Maintenant votre imbibé.

natalie said...

"What do you have says the jfc?
* Pulverize the jfc with the pipe *
Ha I obtained to you. Maintaining your soaked."

I hope very much that Babelfish mangled your meaning, Chocolatier. It usually does. But if you meant to say pulverize, then all I can say is that really isn't very nice and you won't be able to play if you pulverize people with pipes. (Soaking them, on the other hand, is acceptable.)

Anonymous said...

I hope very much that Babelfish mangled your meaning, Chocolatier. It usually does. But if you meant to say pulverize, then all I can say is that really isn't very nice and you won't be able to play if you pulverize people with pipes. (Soaking them, on the other hand, is acceptable.)

That's what must be what Babelfish likes doing.
I may have french origin, but I only know English.
Since jfc asked if he detected a French speaker, I
translated my message with Babelfish to french.
Here is the correct English translation.

What did you say jfc?

*Sprays jfc with the hose*

Ha, I got you. Now you're soaked.

JFC said...

Ha I vous a obtenu. Maintenant votre imbibé.

I wondered if you were inviting me to go for a drink (imbibe).

As for my part in this hose / pipe affair, I was simply concerned that after being soaked by hot, sticky chocolate, the Chocolatier might want to be cleaned up a bit. (Sticky chocolate is as bad as "not mud.")

So Puh-lease don't pulverize me!

And, Naddy, does your Thermos® have any hot chocolate left?

Anonymous said...

As for my part in this hose / pipe affair, I was simply concerned

Glauben Sie ihm nicht! Nicht ein Wort.

natalie said...

Do not believe him! Not a word.
I'm not sure that I do, Karl. If we're throwing snowballs here, then wouldn't spraying him off with a hose turn him into a giant chocolate icicle? Sounds like a dire plight to me.

JFC- I am delighted that you are not pulverized. Have some more hot chocolate... but don't spray anybody with hoses. It's too cold. :-)

Anonymous said...

Do not believe him! Not a word.
I'm not sure that I do, Karl. If we're throwing snowballs here, then wouldn't spraying him off with a hose turn him into a giant chocolate icicle? Sounds like a dire plight to me.

I don't believe him either. Maybe jfc likes chocolate icicles and was trying to have you make one for him.

Diah said...

*Regaining clarity of thought, realizing the diluge of snow that has flewn, in defence of a lady and seaking retribution, Jedediah sneaks up on Joseph C. captures him and makes him into (the first I might add)an human snowman!!! (when thawing Joseph, place near a slow heating source, for 30 minutes, turning slowly to ensure full thaw, rub limbs and give liberal amounts of hot chocalate.)

Anonymous said...

**dumps a bucket of snow over Diah**
Well, I guess your pretty covered. Need some hot chocolate? Ask Natalie to make you some. She seems to enjoy making it.

Anonymous said...

**packs snow around Daisy and buries her in a drift**

**taunt diah to get ??????????**

**hides in snow tunnel and takes off**

Sorry Diah, it'll take you awhile to find me.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Diah, it'll take you awhile to find me.

Since Diah has a big group of helpers to look for you(well I'm assuming they will help.)

You'll be found in no time.

**Spots snow moving above ??????????'s head**

Quick lets pile on him.

Anonymous said...

I had alot of help, but I finally found you.
Some friends help me pile the snow over you. Can you guess who?
??????? I have you burried good now.

JFC said...

Have some more hot chocolate...

Thank you!

but don't spray anybody with hoses. It's too cold. :-)

** teeth chattering **

You're not kidding!

** wonders if Naddy has forgotten that: **

*Sprays jfc with the hose*

Ha, I got you. Now you're soaked.

natalie said...

Chocolatier- A human chocolate covered icicle...hmm...ew.

Diah- thank you for your kind and chivalrous act.

*dumps bucket of snow over Daisy*

*builds bonfire to thaw Joseph*

*makes vat of hot chocolate*

JFC- In my worry over you being "pulverized" I forgot you had been soaked with a hose. Oh dear. Well, pull up a chair next to Joseph and have some more hot chocolate.

Anonymous said...

*Dumps a pail of water over Natalie*
*Runs off and hides in the woods*
Have fun finding me. I may be up in a tree, in a animal den and even inside a tree.

natalie said...

*wipes water from eyes*

Does anyone happen to have a towel?

*takes off heavy (wet) winter coat*
There. Not wet anymore. :-D

*Roasts marshmallows by fire, keeping eye out for Daisy*

JFC said...

natalie wrote...

*builds bonfire to thaw Joseph*

*makes vat of hot chocolate*

JFC- In my worry over you being "pulverized" I forgot you had been soaked with a hose. Oh dear. Well, pull up a chair next to Joseph and have some more hot chocolate.

Thank you, kind lady, for your merciful actions.

*Roasts marshmallows by fire, keeping eye out for Daisy*

And beware ... it is rumoured that the Flower Child might try to sneak up disguised as a possum or a cat.

Anonymous said...

And beware ... it is rumoured that the Flower Child might try to sneak up disguised as a possum or a cat.

Keep a dog around. If it's a real cat or opossum, most likely it'll flee. If not, it's a good guess that is't a sneaky flower.

Anonymous said...

** Dumped a whole wheelbarrow of snow on Diah **

** found Daisy in a tree **

** took a snowball and hit her **

Anonymous said...

** Sees that the whole wheelbarrow froze Diah into an icicle **

Natalie, don't build a fire by him.

** Sees Daisy shivering by the hit of my snowball **

Anonymous said...

*Built a fire to warm myself and Diah
May we have some Chocolate too, Natalie?

*Sneaks up on Joseph c*
*Dumps 55 gallon drum of well water on him*
*Sees Joseph c shivering*
*Runs and hides in the falling apart barn*

Anonymous said...

**Adds wood to the fire to keep Diah and Daisy thawed**

**Gives chocolate to both**

**Tells them to be nice and sets off to find joseph c**

**Finds and warms him**

JFC said...


Thank you for your kindness to my wayword son. I don't think he counted on a 55-gallon drum of well water when he dumped a wheelbarrow of snow on Diah.

JFC said...


Thank you for keeping the Thermos® full of hot chocolate. I hope you enjoyed some of the chocolate chip cookies.


(I trust you mother made certain that the brothers didn't get them all.)

Anonymous said...

** Notices that Chocolatier put another log on the fire to warm (Diah and) Daisy, but Daisy had taken off to the barn **

Anonymous said...

Natalie Does anyone happen to have a towel?


**Gives Natalie a towel**

Joseph C Natalie, don't build a fire by him.
Well she didn't, but Daisy did (you did only specify Natalie.)

Joseph C ** Notices that Chocolatier put another log on the fire to warm (Diah and) Daisy, but Daisy had taken off to the barn **

She came out of the barn and came back to the fire to get warm again. Though she is now back in hiding.

BTW: Sombody told me that my non-fictious name starts with 0x4461. There, now those trying to figure out just who I really am should know.

JFC said...

BTW: Sombody told me that my non-fictious name starts with 0x4461. There, now those trying to figure out just who I really am should know.

This is numeric character code 17505. It represents the character '?'. This number might be expressed as '0x4461' or '0X4461' in hexadecimal notation.

In other words, the Chocolatier's real name begins with an empty box.

That really helps me figure this out. But probably an Apple programmer is the one who told the Chocolatier this little tidbit. DA? Surely the Chocolatier is not another adult on this crazy thread ... SA?

JFC said...

It represents the character '?'

Sorry ... Blogger doesn't like that character in the default font, and turned it into a question mark.

It was an empty box elsewhere.


BlackBooker said...

This is numeric character code 17505. It represents the character '?'. This number might be expressed as '0x4461' or '0X4461' in hexadecimal notation.

In other words, the Chocolatier's real name begins with an empty box.

That really helps me figure this out. But probably an Apple programmer is the one who told the Chocolatier this little tidbit. DA? Surely the Chocolatier is not another adult on this crazy thread ... SA?

You did well putting that in base-10, but that does NOT represent one character but two. 0x4461 does not stand for DA. No, I'm not an Apple programmer(if you know me and what family I belong to AND think I'm a programmer, then why do you say that I probably live in California).

**Throws a snowball at jfc**
**Throws another at him**


JFC said...

You did well putting that in base-10, but that does NOT represent one character but two. 0x4461 does not stand for DA. No, I'm not an Apple programmer(if you know me and what family I belong to AND think I'm a programmer, then why do you say that I probably live in California).

1. I don't think that you are an Apple programmer. I wondered if the person who told you that your real name starts with 0x4461 is an Apple programmer.

2. I didn't think 0x4461 stands for DA. I wondered if the person who told you that your real name starts with 0x4461 is "DA."

3. Where in the world did your California comment come from?

** Glad that springtime has come, I open my baseball glove and snag Chocolatiers 2 pitches. **

Choc, y'oughta' be playin' ball this spring!

Amanda Singh said...

*throws a snowball at jfc*
Ha you missed catching it.
*went splat on face*
There :-)

JFC said...

Well ... the snowball fight has dropped off of the main page of Naddy's Blog. I wonder how many people will go to the archives to check it now. Is it possible that no one saw Daisy plaster my face with a snowball?

natalie said...

Well, I saw it, and was, frankly, I was shocked! What is the world coming to... tsk, tsk. Fortunately, the vat of hot chocolate is still holding out, so I guess that life can go on.

BlackBooker said...

Well ... the snowball fight has dropped off of the main page of Naddy's Blog. I wonder how many people will go to the archives to check it now. Is it possible that no one saw Daisy plaster my face with a snowball?

It has? I still see it. It's at the very bottom of the page.

And yes I saw her plaster you. But since Natalie offered you some more chocolate I thing you'll survive.

JFC said...

Yes. Fortunately, when Naddy deleted 3 of the 4 copies of her latest post, it restored the bottom 3 posts that had fallen off.

So now all the world can see that I didn't get my baseball glove up in time to catch that last pitch.

Yes, Naddy's chocolate goes a long way toward restoring ones sense of well-being, after the total dignity-destroying event of being struck in the face by a ball. I can't remember such a momentous collision between face and ballistic projectile since James Reeves got me with a dodgeball during my first day at Greenfield Elementary School when we moved there when I was in fifth grade.

Amanda Singh said...

Did the snowball really hurt your face, jfc.
Have some nice warm brownies and chocolate.
It will sure help you recover.
I have been hit with snowballs in the face many times. I also have been hit in the face with basket balls and volley balls.

JFC said...

Did the snowball really hurt your face, jfc.

Didn't hurt my face as much as it hurt my pride. I'm not so bad with a baseball glove, and to have missed that one ... well, let's say I am mortified. And even worse, not only did I miss it, I didn't get my face out of the way, so it did NOT miss ME. :(

Have some nice warm brownies and chocolate.
It will sure help you recover.

I'm sure it will. Thank you for your kindness.

I have been hit with snowballs in the face many times. I also have been hit in the face with basket balls and volley balls.

My face is pretty quick, so it doesn't happen too often. However, I have recalled a couple of those collisions in addition to the one noted in my earlier comment. Seems like baseballs hitting rocks in the infield have cause me grief a couple of times ... once taking a bad hop and getting me smack in the face (bloodying my nose), and another time when I was ranging to my left (from shortstop, headed toward second to cut off a ground ball) one took a REALLY crazy hop and smacked me right on the right ear. OUCH! ^10

So, I guess this snowball hurt little but my pride.

Anonymous said...

Naddy, can I be on your team?

** finds Daisy in the falling-apart barn and dumps 55 gallons of water on her **

** throws 50 snowballs at her **

** dumps 5 wheelbarrows filled with snow on her **

** hits her over the head with a piece of ice after she turned into a snowman **

JFC said...

** takes Joseph to the woodshed **

BlackBooker said...

**builds fire to warm Daisy**

**bandages her wounded head**

Ouch, that must have hurt.

**throws snowball at Joseph C**

**tells Joseph C to be nice**

Amanda Singh said...

Joseph that ice block dazed me, but I finally woke up.
*throws a bunch of snowballs at Joseph*
Now that I made it even! Would you like some hot chocolate?

Amanda Singh said...

Why are we still "pretending" to have snow anyways!?

It is fun to pretend, and I never saw anymore than a dusting of snow this year.
Their was never any real snow, water or ice blocks flying.
The snowball fight has gotten so long. I wonder if it will get over 100 comments before it dies.

BlackBooker said...

Why are we still "pretending" to have snow anyways!?

Who said were pretending?

**Throws a REAL SnowBall™ at dab**

BlackBooker said...

The snowball fight has gotten so long. I wonder if it will get over 100 comments before it dies.

Natalie must want this to keep going considering the special link on the main page to the left.

**Throws another REAL SnowBall™ but this time at Daisy**

BlackBooker said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
BlackBooker said...

*giggles at Joseph's "trip to the woodshed"*

This is super funny considering he probably doesnt't even know what the 'wood shed' was?

**thinking, how does dab giggle**

JFC said...

how does dab giggle


And, I believe I have the honor here of comment #100, and thereby, perhaps giving Naddy the honor of exceeding the Bechard Brothers blogs whose comment totals are sizable (due to the Minion Throng and the Transcendent Being, egged along by Her_Whom_We_Don't_Mention), yet still not reaching this number.

:) Yea, Naddy!

Amanda Singh said...

*Warms myself by a fire*
*Throws a real snowball at Chocolatier*
*Runs and hides behind my fort*

natalie said...

You're quite right, Deborah. The snow is melting.
*throws water balloons at Deborah, Daisy, and Joseph*

*starts serving lemonade*
Would you like some, JFC? (Guaranteed not to make you see double, triple, or quadruple!) Congratulations and thanks on Comment One Hundred.

Amanda Singh said...

*Throws a few water balloons at Natalie and JFC*
*Now your nice and wet too*
*Winds up for another throw and throws one at Chocolatier*

JFC said...

*starts serving lemonade*
Would you like some, JFC? (Guaranteed not to make you see double, triple, or quadruple!) Congratulations and thanks on Comment One Hundred.

Yes, please. I love my family, my friends, and lemonade.

And you're welcome for comment #100.

Daisy, I hope you are really wanting to get wet, if you are starting to pitch water balloons. I have it on good authority that Natalie's throwing lessons have produced results!

Mon imagination est une bonne autorité

BlackBooker said...

**dogges the pitch from Daisy**

**throws a few back her**

I got you, now you're soaked.

JFC: I have it on good authority that Natalie's throwing lessons have produced results!

What kind of results did they produce? Good? :)

Amanda Singh said...

< i >Daisy, I hope you are really wanting to get wet, if you are starting to pitch water balloons. I have it on good authority that Natalie's throwing lessons have produced results!< i >

I would love to get wet. Swimming would be fun, but I will have to satisfy myself with the e-mail water balloons.
*throws a large water balloon at JFC and Chocolatier*
The balloons are in a big drum. Help yourselves.

BlackBooker said...

**Soaks Daisy with two extra large water balloons**

JFC, why don't we just team up and let balloons fly?

Amanda Singh said...

*Throws a water balloon at Sir William*
Now your soaked.

Anonymous said...

**Throws a water balloon at Sir William**

You sure are mean to throw balloons at persons that I haven't 'seen' posting here.

Mabye I should tell David to pelt you for throwing them at him when 'David' hasn't even posted.

natalie said...

Anonymous, please post under a name. Future anonymous posts on this thread will be deleted.

Anonymous said...


JFC said...

Towel, anyone?

BlackBooker said...

*throws several rather large water balloons at all previous posters* (just to catch up you see!)

Poor Natalie, I thought you two were a team. :-)

*gives the personal Troubadour to The Queen a towel*

*throw a few balloons back at dab*

Amanda Singh said...

*Throws a bunch of large water balloons at dab*

What does *SGAMD* stand for?

Han said...

What does *SGAMD* stand for?

"Some Girls Are Maniacally Depressed"

at least, that's what I always thought.

BlackBooker said...

If you read a few of the previous posts, you'll see that 'SGAMD' is how dab giggles. :-)

Han said...

Okay, sure... but what if it meant "Sausages Grin At Muddy Dauphin"? Now, that could be an interesting newspaper headline.

Sarie said...

That raises several questions: Why is the Dauphin muddy? What is a Dauphin anyway? (I think he's like the French crown prince or something outdated like that) What sort of sausages are these? How many teeth do the sausages have? How long will it be before someone throws a water-balloon at *me*? What is the matter with you people anyway? How come I have so much time on my hands? Why was the Sad Saboo sad? And was the canoe wood, or aluminum?

*hides behind her facade of unintelligence* I wonder if these things can protect one from getting hit with a water balloon....

BlackBooker said...

**throws a water balloon at *me* (sarie)**

Nope, I don't think that a "facade of unintelligence" can protect you. :-)

BTW: Welcome to the water fight.

BlackBooker said...

"Now, that could be an interesting newspaper headline."

Well then, why don't you start writing.

*Big sausage grin right at Han*
*Tells Han to prepare for a water fight*

BlackBooker said...

**Throws a few water balloons at everyone else who has posted here.**

**Runs and hides to avoid being hit by the return throw that are sure to follow.**

Amanda Singh said...

*throws water balloons at Han, Sari, and Chocolatier*

Would you like a towel or some more balloons that go splat? :-)

Anonymous said...

If you read a few of the previous posts, you'll see that 'SGAMD' is how dab giggles. :-)

She Giggles At Me Delightedly

Anonymous said...

Daisy: "Would you ... some more balloons that go splat? :-)"

Only if they go 'splat' on you.

**throws a few balloons that go 'splat' on The Flower Child**

Sarie said...

Ha-ha! *throws water balloon at Chocolatier* You will notice that it says "throws at" not "and hits". This is not an oversight on my part; this is intentional as I have only once or twice in my life successfully hit someone with a water balloon. That's why they created Super Soakers; water-type guns.

Daisy, me use a towel? What? Would you be interested in preparing for your doom? *turns on hose and looks menacing*

Anonymous said...

*throws several hefty water balloons at the previous posters (except for Naddy)*

And yes, I do giggle delightedly!

Amanda Singh said...

You want a hose fight that sounds great. I will ignore you menacing looks and make some face at you. Dad used to chase us with the hose. It was splended fun. :-)
*Turns on hose and directs spray at Sarie*
Oh, we had a real water fight at church today.
Maybe you will be there next time we have a water fight. :-)

BlackBooker said...

**Dodges all the balloons that come my way**

Sarie: "I have only once or twice in my life successfully hit someone with a water balloon."

Mabye that is because you have only had a water fight once or twice in your life? :-)

**Throws a 'Super Soaker' water balloon at Sarie AND soaks her**

**Throws another at DAB*

DAB:"And yes, I do giggle delightedly!"
Does that imply that you love to get wet? :-)

BlackBooker said...

**Puts the 'Fireman Nozzle' on the hose**

**Turns the hose on**

**Soaks Daisy**

Oh, and Daisy, you can't get me wet without getting yourself wet because the 'Fireman Nozzle' causes the water to shoot almost twenty five feet in the air (quite a bit farther than your's will).

Amanda Singh said...

*finds a fire hydrant and hooks up fire hose*
Now you are really soaked.
You almost fell over from the shock of water.

Now you can't get me with out getting wet.

Anonymous said...

Well Daisy, Chocolatier did get wet but that firehose knocked you off your feet. I also had to rush to turn it off before you got splinterized. :-)

Firehoses take at least two to operate without injury, so be more careful next time (if there is one).

Do we need to pass a law that requires a lock be put on all fire hydrants to protect innocent citizens (like you) from getting hurt.

**Tells The Flower Child to be nicer in the future**

JFC said...

Fireman said...

Is this the fireman from Wyoming, or the fireman from Antarctica, or neither?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Fireman, you are very correct about the firehoses!
*dodges water balloons being tossed in her direction*

And yes, I do love water. In fact I've been called a fish.

Anonymous said...

Is this the fireman from Wyoming, or the fireman from Antarctica, or neither?

How did you know?

JFC said...

Fireman wrote...
Is this the fireman from Wyoming, or the fireman from Antarctica, or neither?

How did you know?

I didn't. I still don't. But I do know the fireman from Wyoming reads Naddy's Daddy, and, though I find it difficult to conceive that he would get this far on this post's comments, it is at least possible.

And I know the fireman from Antarctica has already shown up (on this post, I believe), posing as Chuck Norris, so it is more likely him.

But, I'm still curiously awaiting verification as to whether it is either or neither.

natalie said...

I'm glad you approve, Deborah!

*throws water balloons at Han and Sarie*

Well, personally I think I would grin at a Muddy Dauphin. Whatever it is.

Do we know for a fact that the person posing as Chuck Norris is the fireman from Antarctica?

Amanda Singh said...

*throws welcome home water balloons at Natalie*
I am glad your back.

Anonymous said...

I didn't. I still don't.
You didn't and still don't know that I am either from Antarctica, Wyoming or somewhere else?? :-)

I'm not from Antarctica (But won't tell about Wyoming [at least not yet]).

BTW: Nobody said that I read all the previous comments on this post. :-)

JFC said...

I'm a little curious about the last two comments from "DAB". The previous comments from Deborah were labelled using her Blogger ID: "Deborah Anne Bunch". The last two simply said "DAB". I am assuming they really were from Deborah, and that the difference in posting name related to her being at her sister's in Denver, instead of at her own computer with all her own login passwords saved.

Deborah, can you confirm that you were simply "DAB" for a couple of posts.

JFC said...


I didn't, and still don't, know whether you are the fireman from Antarctica, the fireman from Wyoming, or neither.

And nothing you said has narrowed the possibilities, because you could be playing definition games with the word "from" like Bill Clinton did with ... whatever the word was ... or like the Chocolatier did in denying his real identity. I doubt that the fireman from Wyoming would play such games, but I have little doubt that the fireman from Antarctica would.

And Naddy, I have not yet heard a confession from his lips that the fireman from Antarctica is the one who has posed as Chuck Norris, but considering the circumstantial evidence of seeing his blog, and the guilty grin that crossed his face when I made the accusation Sunday past, I am reasonably certain it is him (not enough to convict, mind you, but reasonably certain).

BlackBooker said...

"And Naddy, I have not yet heard a confession from his lips that the fireman from Antarctica is the one who has posed as Chuck Norris, but considering the circumstantial evidence of seeing his blog, and the guilty grin that crossed his face when I made the accusation Sunday past, I am reasonably certain it is him (not enough to convict, mind you, but reasonably certain)."

Though now we DO have an affirmative disaffirmation from him. There are also those that are now totally 'mystified'. :-)

**Throws a water balloon at JFC**


Sarie said...

Wow! This is no longer a waterball fight; it's a word mincing contest!

Sarie said...

*throws a water balloon in the general direction of Chocolatier* The hope being, of course, that you are in more danger if I'm not actually aiming at you!

*is rewarded in her hopes by the satisfying 'splat' a water balloon makes when it hits someone*

Hmm. Someone. Sorry, JFC. =)

JFC said...

** wiping water from his face **

Though now we DO have an affirmative disaffirmation from him. There are also those that are now totally 'mystified'. :-)

**Throws a water balloon at JFC**


You mean, eavesdropping? I always wondered why they called it eavesdropping. And yes, we do have an affirmative disaffirmation from him. And yes, I am totally mystified. I wish DA would post under his own name, or at least his own blogger identity, though. :) Touché

about the water I wiped from my face: it's not from your balloon. You missed. But between Han's balloon and Deborah's sprinkler, I'm soaked.

** goes in to get an SKS **

(Super Kinetic Squirter)

JFC said...

Deborah Anne Bunch wrote...
EEEeeek! I think I'll defeat your intent and go jump in a lake!

Uhhh ... I don't think jumping in a lake will defeat my intent (to get you as wet as possible).


natalie said...

*takes a running jump off the dock*

*splashes everyone with a cannonball*

*swims out and floats peacefully in the center of the lake on an inner tube*

Sarie said...

*jumps in this lake thingy*

I can't swim! I can't swi---Never mind; I remember now, I know how to swim. Okay...anyway.

I have a great idea now that I am relatively safe from assault. Why not throw cream pies like they do in movies?

*ducks under water to see how long she can hold her breath and if may she can avoid getting hit*

JFC said...

Deborah Anne Bunch wrote...
*joins Naddy in the lake*

Now unless you can swim fast JFC I HAVE defeated your plan ;)

I will confess that my swimming skills are very mediocre. But, you seem to have forgotten that my plan was to get you very wet.


JFC said...

Sir William said...
** swims out like a little fish and nibbles Sarie's toes**

No woodshed this time. I think the boy has learned how to mix it up with this crowd!

BlackBooker said...

But, you seem to have forgotten that my plan was to get you very wet.

I most definintely agree, although she did get herself wet (or should I say drenched) instead of you getting her wet.

Sarie said...

How much wetter can a person be...if they are already immersed (sp?) in water? Not much, I should suppose.

My toes! *gasp* My toes!

*kicks away with an offended look*

*plots an appropriate revenge*

Amanda Singh said...

*gets a long range squirt gun and soaks JFC and Chocolatier*

*jumps into the lake and joins Naddy and the rest*

You can't get me wet now, JFC or Chocolatier as I am now soaked.

Nibbling on Sarie's toes was a great idea Sir William.

Sarie said...

Hey, Daisy, who's side are you on anyway? Not that I ever thought you were on my side...but this way I can sound all betrayed and distressed.

So who's not wet yet.

Daisy's not wet enough! *splashes Daisy in the face*


JFC said...

Having spent a number of years in the home of a Baptist preacher, I am well-versed in the art of staying dry in the midst of water. No, I don't have a complete wetsuit (dry suit?), but ...

** pulls aside shirt to display chest-high waders **

Now keep those rubber-puncturing darts away from my toes ...

Anonymous said...

Now keep those rubber-puncturing darts away from my toes ...(that is not a very NICE description of Sarie)

Sarie said...

Now keep those rubber-puncturing darts away from my toes ...(that is not a very NICE description of Sarie)

I have enemies everywhere it would appear (and I'm *not* referring to JFC)

You have a very cynical mind to assume that refferred to me. The glass is half-full, my friend.

If you understood my comment, and explanation is order; tell me what it meant!

natalie said...

*starts handing out lemonaid*

*hands out umbrella hats and inner tubes*

*sprays everyone with the hose*

Sarie said...

My nonsensical comment was more nonsensical than it should have been due to a typo or two which I refuse to corrct.

May I have beanie hat instead of an umbrella hat (whatever that is?)? I've always wanted a beanie hat...with a little propeller on top.

Anonymous said...

*pulls rubber-puncturing darts out of 3 of JFC's toes and bandages them and puts his foot in a cast which cannot get wet and will keep him out of the water fight for at least a week*

*scolds Sarie for throwing the darts and takes her beanie hat off her and gives it to JFC for a peace offering and makes her dance with Naddy for entertainment*

*inspects Sarie's 3 nibbled on toes for teeth marks*

*discovers that the teeth marks do NOT match Sir William after all, but JFC!!!*

JFC said...

*discovers that the teeth marks do NOT match Sir William after all, but JFC!!!*


I wondered why Sir William was wanting to take impressions of my teeth. I thought he was just studying for dentistry.

Sarie said...

*pulls rubber-puncturing darts out of 3 of JFC's toes and bandages them and puts his foot in a cast which cannot get wet and will keep him out of the water fight for at least a week*

Well, that's a good thing for sure.

You Christ the King-ites are a bloodthirsty lot. --and I want my beanie hat back!

I didn't throw any darts and everyone knows if I did throw them (which I didn't) I must've hit JFC by accident; I can't hit anything I aim at!

JFC said...

You Christ the King-ites are a bloodthirsty lot.

That's what happens when you sing Psalms week after week. Pretty soon, you come upon an imprecatory Psalm, and start imbibing of its theology.


Sarie said...

You know, there are appropraite times, places and people for imprecatorty Psalms...but I didn't think I was one of those people! Those Psalms always seem to apply to "the wicked" which, as a baptised believer of the Christian faith, I object very strongly to being called.

*deep breath*

I think when you have fun killing chickens...they were singing, weren't they? was it imprecatory Psalms? I can hear it you guys use Cantus exclusively? Except for the really awesome Cantus ones we use the Trinity Psalter for our Psalms) okay...what was I saying anyway? I'm sorry I don't recall.

Oh! I think when you have fun killing chickens it makes you a genuine real, actually...I can't remember what goes here. *sigh* I'm so easily sidetracked today. Well, you may feel in the blanks.

Needless to say, I think your problem goes deeper than just imprecatory Psalms. I know a wonderful psychiatrist....=)

natalie said...

You may have a beanie hat, Sarie, but it must be rainbow colored and have a propeller. :-)

*hands Sarie a nice tall glass of refreshing lemonaid*

(Hey, people, there are green walnuts now! :-D)

*tosses one up and down nonchalantly*

JFC said...

(Hey, people, there are green walnuts now! :-D)

*tosses one up and down nonchalantly*

Naddy, you keep your nonchalant walnuts to yourself!


JFC said...

Did I hear WALNUTS!? *grins slyly*

** Giggles **

natalie said...

But JFC, isn't sharing my walnuts much nicer than hoarding them selfishly? *innocent face*
Yes, Deborah, you heard WALNUTS! :-)
*hands Deborah a bag of walnuts*
Wanna demonstrate how to throw those for me? :-)

JFC said...

*and misses!!!*

Don't be ridiculous. You never miss when you throw something. You just hit something different than what you aimed at.

Sarie said...

You just hit something different than what you aimed at.

You know what flying is? Throwing yourself at the ground and missing! But so far the ground is the only thing I can't miss!

JFC said...

You know what flying is? Throwing yourself at the ground and missing!

And I thought that flying was "falling with style."

natalie said...


*Deflects Deborah's walnut, rocketing toward face, with umbrella* *walnut flies up into the air*

I think I'll walk around carrying that for a while!

JFC said...

*discovers that she owns no umbrella*

Another symptom of living in the desert ...

JFC said...

** Heaves a walnut towards Colorado **

since I am too lazy to package up and mail the one we picked up today at Bechard Farms.

JFC said...

Oh ... don't waste good farm fresh eggs! Use the rocks.

(Not that we need any of those. They are kind of like potatoes. Every year we dig up the crop out of the garden -- except in the spring; not in the fall. The difference is, we don't have to replant. They grow from invisible spores that you can't see, but every year there is a new crop!)

Sarie said...

Well, at least you always have projectiles...I refus to throw hard items...I hate paying other people's hospital bills.

Anonymous said...

I refus [sic] to throw hard items

I only throw hard items. If I try to throw dandelions, not only do they not make it to the state line, they don't even make it out of my yard. Truly, they don't make it 5 feet from my hand.

BlackBooker said...

Oh ... don't waste good farm fresh eggs! Use the rocks.

At least eggs are soft! :) Little tiny squash look like eggs might work to get the effect you get when throwing eggs, minus of course the mess.

I only throw hard items.

Do you mean to say that you have never thrown a soft-ball. :)

BlackBooker said...

Well, at least you always have projectiles...I refus to throw hard items...I hate paying other people's hospital bills.

Why do you have to pay for hospital bills? If the ONLY thing you DON'T miss is the ground, then you never CAN get any body hurt when throwing things. Right? Or, do you only hit your target when using hard projectiles?

Sarie said...

Why do you have to pay for hospital bills? If the ONLY thing you DON'T miss is the ground, then you never CAN get any body hurt when throwing things. Right? Or, do you only hit your target when using hard projectiles?

I'm afraid I can only hit my target when it is least advantageous to do so. The instant I were to decide to throw something dangerous I am sure my aim will be improved at least 50%. Add in poor judgement of how hard to throw dangerous projectiles and a bit of clumsiness and ill luck and you have a wonderful recipe for disaster, the only thing which, following the recipe or not I can be sure to create satisfactorily. My culinary efforts are never very praise worthy. I am sure however that disaster would soon follow my throwing rocks.

JFC said...

Do you mean to say that you have never thrown a soft-ball. :)

No. That is not what I said. That is not what I meant. I said, "I only throw hard items." I meant, "I only throw hard items." And since softballs are hard, they are included among those thing I throw. (Although it might not have looked like I had ever done so on Monday evening a fortnight ago.)

Amanda Singh said...

Walnuts! That sounds great our whole yard is almost all walnut trees.

*Throws a few towards JFC*
*Great catch JFC*
Your not as bad at catching balls as you make it sound if you can catch a walnut.

*Makes aim at Chocolatier*
*Catches it with his stomach*
You don't use your stomach to catch, Chocolatier.

BlackBooker said...

You don't use your stomach to catch, Chocolatier.

Oh yes I do!

*Carves some faces on a few green walnuts*

*Pitches them towards Daisy*

*Saw the frightened reaction to the faces*

BlackBooker said...

Do you mean to say that you have never thrown a soft-ball. :)

No. That is not what I said. That is not what I meant. I said, "I only throw hard items." I meant, "I only throw hard items." And since softballs are hard, they are included among those thing I throw. (Although it might not have looked like I had ever done so on Monday evening a fortnight ago.)

It was a joke. Get it? Since they are soft-balls, they can't be hard at the same time. Right? :)

JFC said...

It was a joke. Get it? Since they are soft-balls, they can't be hard at the same time. Right? :)

Wrong. 'Tis one of the mysterious paradoxes of life that they are simultaneously hard and soft.

Your not as bad at catching balls as you make it sound if you can catch a walnut.

Hopefully I will soon have my Golden Glove back. After dropping a pop fly in the first game, and then several in practice, I was suffering from a deplorable lack of confidence, which only bodes ill for future opportunities. Fortunately I followed up the errors with several successful catches, so I am starting to feel better.

BlackBooker said...

Fortunately I followed up the errors with several successful catches, so I am starting to feel better.

That's terrific!

Hey, I wonder if this post will ever get past 200 comments. :)

*Soaks all previous (and current) participants including self*

There, now nobody can get me wetter.

That sure is a relief from the heat!

Amanda Singh said...

There, now nobody can get me wetter.

How long do you think you can stay wet in this heat, Chocolatier?

I would assume you are pretty dry by now.

*Soaks Chocolatier and jumps into the pool.*

Nobody can get me wetter till I dry. :-)

BlackBooker said...

How long do you think you can stay wet in this heat, Chocolatier?

Hours, and hours, and hours, maby days.

Nobody said I wouldn't be in a creak/pond/pool, those would keep me wet quite well. :)

JFC said...


How long do you think you can stay wet in this heat, Chocolatier?

I would assume you are pretty dry by now.

If yesterday at church is any example, it is extremely easy to stay wet in the heat. It would, on the other hand, be difficult to stay dry.

JFC said...


Congratulations. Comment #200!

You have the knights beat by a mile. And you didn't rely on 2 Iowans egged along by MBIM to do it, either.


And to celebrate how it started:

** chunks a flower towards Colorado, and a snowball towards Morrisville **

Han said...

"And you didn't rely on 2 Iowans egged along by MBIM to do it, either."

Hey, I resent that! *casts haughty resentful glance in direction of southern Missouri*

JFC said...

Hey, I resent that! *casts haughty resentful glance in direction of southern Missouri*

Actually, Han, you resemble that!


BTW, I hope you have a lovely birthday ball.

Han said...

BTW, I hope you have a lovely birthday ball.

Thank you! I did, it was excessively wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm in Illinios, and there are over-ripe cherries here.

**Pitches some over-ripe yellow cherries in the direction of Missouri**

**Discovers that I'm a little too far away to see if they hit target.**

JFC said...

** wonders if somebody who is "in Illinois" was visiting there, but is actually from Miller, MO. **

Han said...

Well, it's not like anyone we know in Illinois knows how to use the internet. XD

Somebody slap my hand.

No, don't.

BlackBooker said...

I know plenty of people in Illinios that know how to use the internet.

BTW: Speaking of Illinios, does anybody know how to pronouce it?