
Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I'm here but will soon be gone again. I'm at my aunt's house, which was built in 1907. My uncle was here last night but had to fly out early this morning.
The boys and dad camped out in the back yard in the tent with cots and sleeping bags. Right now Aunt Sally is checking on the dog, Winston. He is walking stiffly and is very old. She is worried that he will either nip one of the boys because he is irritable or feel better and push them over with his paw. So we gave him aspirin in peanut butter sandwiches last night.
We are planning on going to an art museum this morning and swimming in their pool this afternoon.

We saw the B.'s and stayed with them Saturday and Sunday night and went to church with them. I jotted down some notes about liturgical differences that I noticed, which I may blog later today, but I don't know how much time I'll have.

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