
Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Came Early

Guess what is sitting in my kitchen?

That I've never had before?

I'll give you a little hint... this is what I've been researching today.     <----

I'd love to hear from you on what you use, have tried, have not found success with as far as dishwasher detergents go.  We have extremely hard water, so I am a little concerned that the DIY versions may not work for us.  I've also been pricing dishwasher detergent on Amazon - Missy strongly advised me to go with the Finish Tabs since they're really effective, but I've also heard good things about the Seventh Generation

I'm so so so excited about this new household helper... totally kissed it after we started it last night!   Micah's family replaced their rolling unit with a built in, to save on space, so they gave us their rolling dishwasher. SO THANKFUL. :)

In an attempt to maximize productivity, I started the washer and dryer last night as soon as the dishwasher was started, intending to go to bed with all three of my favorite household servants hard at work... but apparently, dishwashers like water pressure.  Who knew, right?  Oops.  I had to laugh at myself, though, since that pleasant feeling of being productive while not actually doing anything is so nice.  ;)

Friday, November 18, 2011


Hey, guys... if you're skimming through your reader, pop over and see the pretty new layout! :)  Naomi was so, so sweet to put it together for me...I just love it!  (Thank you again, Naomi!)

See the lovely little buttons on the sidebar?  Now you can stalk follow me all over the internetz with ease. ;)

Now that it's all pretty (and did you notice?  I have a new name and address!!), I feel very inspired to blog.  I do.  Unfortunately, things (translation = life) keep getting in the way... but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon!

In the meantime, I hope you are all enjoying fall and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I bought sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce at the grocery store this week... what Thanksgiving sides are your favorites? :)


Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land.

Thus the little minutes, Humble though they be, Make the mighty ages Of eternity.
- Ebenezer Brewer

Miriam just came up and asked me to help her snap her jeans, but they were on backwards. So was her shirt. She dressed herself, though, so that's pretty cool. She does that about five times a day and comes up with some very...unique outfits. My favorite was when she changed out of a sparkly fairy dress and came back wearing camo pants and a "I'm a big brother" t-shirt. She's not picky what drawer of the dresser she dresses from. ;)

Levi is sitting! and scooting backwards! and getting up on hands and knees! Six months, gone so fast. So fast.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


ource: via Natalie on Pinterest

Can you keep a secret, fall?

Don't tell the other seasons, but you're my favorite.

It isn't just the colors, rosy leaves and orange tinged branches.

Not just the nip in the air that invigorates me through and through and makes me want to race across the yard and leap into a pile of leaves.

Fall is the magic of pumpkins and candy corn, of cozy hoodies and leggings and boots, the spell of rain on the windows and Lady Grey with cream and sugar in my mug.  Vanilla candles and baking muffins and steaming pots full of soup.

Autumn is wanderlust and homecoming, homesickness and rootedness, jazz and jolly melancholy.

Fall is for guitars and saxaphones.  Fall is for chili and cornbread. Fall is for bricks and boots and books.

What's your favorite thing about fall? :)

(ALSO! Corn in chili... yay or nay?)

Friday, September 30, 2011

My Dear...

So, I was cleaning out my Yahoo and Hotmail accounts today (I deleted over 1000 messages. It felt good.) and came across this gem of an email. Thought I would share it since it made me giggle...

My Dear,  (a bit presumptuous for a scammer, no?)
Be informed that We have concluded to effect your payment (2.1M USD) Two Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars through Western Union Money Transfer. But the maximum amount you will be receiving daily starting from tomorrow onward is 5,100.00USD until the funds is completely paid out to you.
Now, contact Western Union Agent:  Eric Gomez with your : Full Names , address, Telephone number. (What, you don't want my social security number, birthdate, and credit card number too?)
E-mail him at :----- Though, 5,100.00 USD has been sent in your name today so contact Mr.Eric Gomez and tell him to give you the MTCN, Sender Name, Question/Answer to pick the 5,100.00 USD.  Please let me know as soon as you received all your funds (2.1M USD) Two Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Thank you.
David Martin (yay! I am rich! Wait...)

Happy weekend, all!  Hope you have a chance to sleep in, get things done, and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.  We have a birthday this weekend, so a special breakfast is on the menu (I'm thinking baked french toast, bacon, and orange juice), as well as the obligatory chocolate cake - in this case a peppermint chocolate cake. :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Imagination is GO

There are monsters down the dark hallway at Grandpa and Grandma's house, the badger that lives down the road (and was seen one late night driving home) is a topic of much conversation when walking in from the driveway at night, and and sometime small hoodie'd dragons race through the living room. 

A sweet friend passed down a sparkly, tulle-petal'd, satin 2T dress up dress. My girly girl is SO happy!  And I loved letting her wear it to the grocery store and library... she looked adorable sitting in the cart surrounded by tulle.  I think she also enjoyed that it drew the attention of the older ladies that usually are adoring Levi's baby chub. ;)

"...and I was in my cocoon and I came out and I was a beautiful butterfly and I shoot them with my guns!" - Nathan, 3 years, 5 months
Rainy day.  Boots obviously required!

"...your feet are getting old and they're going to die and you'll be in Heaven..." - Nathan*

And Levi and I watch wide eyed as they juggle ideas and jostle each other, racing to decode this funny world. 

* (Yes, I need to carve out time to exfoliate and moisturize.  Until then, my neglected feet serve as a reminder of my mortality, apparently.)

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Pin Tuesday

Why am I such a pack rat?  {Self, you do not need to save every Martha Stewart Living magazine you've ever received!}   Happily, I now have Pinterest to organize and enjoy all those clever and creative ideas {I will do someday when I have longer than twenty minute stretches of free time to be creative!} - and some nights stay up after I should be in bed with a hot cup of tea and enjoy some relaxation, calm, and total silence.  Therefore, all the stacks of magazines went into the garage sale pile and are now out of the house.


We went to the Outer Banks on our honeymoon four years ago, and climbed this beautiful lighthouse. I have a photo of it hanging up in our office (well, not right now, actually, it got taken down to paint!), but I ADORE this vintage poster. So fun!

Yeah. Sadly true. I've never been super fit and three babies in four years hasn't changed that. Taking baby steps to work on it, though. (Side note: exercise videos are hilarious.)

I was super excited to see this as our blender pitcher has cracked and started leaking. I really didn't want to buy one right now.. now I don't have to give up my smoothies... YAY! :) Kristen warned me not to use a mayo jar in place of the mason jar, since the mayo jar would not be tempered. Good to know!

This morning had a little bit of a nip to it... so happy to see the beginning of fall!  Now, where did I stash the box of sweaters... 

p.s. Yes, I know it's Wednesday... yesterday I got hit by a truck came down with the fever and chills, aches and pain of a lightning fast case of mastitis, so I've been laying low and trying to fight it off. My temperature is down, so my hopes are high of recovery without antibiotics this time. :) But I had this all ready to go so I decided to post it anyway!

Wordless Wednesday

(Summer wedding! Congrats, Erik and Amber!)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Source: via Natalie on Pinterest

Some days, this seems like the best option.  At least temporarily.

We're working on a lot of home projects... 
we've painted the office and the bathroom, 
and I think the pink stairs we inherited when we bought the house 
(and discovered after removing horrific teal carpet) 
should be next on the hit list.
Thinking grey treads and white risers?

Source: via Natalie on Pinterest

I'm ready for fall and hot dinners in the crock pot!  
I've never tried doing noodle dishes in a crockpot, but I think it's worth a try! :)

How fun is this!  File it in the "dream house someday" category.  

Fall is on the way! Can't wait to need sweaters again and for "warming up the kitchen" to be a positive to baking, not a drawback! ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless {ish} Wednesday

I looked at the giraffe, and he looked at me...

 until it became awkward, and then I looked away...

(Guess who is THREE MONTHS already?!  How is that possible?)

Monday, August 08, 2011

I'm Still in Love With Turquoise

I may have run out of turquoise spray paint, but I'm still in love with turquoise, as is evidenced by the following...

(Except I'd wear grey Toms instead of sandals, and I probably wouldn't have the courage to wear polka dots.  So not the sweater.  Especially since it has a bow, which isn't really "me".)


Beth at Babyette is gorgeous, as is this lovely sling!

Ok, maybe this (and the next one?) is blue.  Whatever.  I love it anyway.

Source: via Natalie on Pinterest

Source: via Natalie on Pinterest

I have a necklace by this etsy seller with dark brown beads, and I love it.  It's really sturdy, AND when a bead broke (our fault all the way)  the seller was a total dream to work with and fixed it at no extra charge.

So... turquoise.  Just seems like summer to me!  :)  What colors are you loving right now?  Gray seems to be making a big splash right now, especially with yellow...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hearty Corn Muffins

Basic Corn Bread recipe (my version of the Joy of Cooking's recipe):
Grease pan, preheat oven to 425*, and combine:
1 c. flour
4 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
3 c. corn meal

Combine in separate bowl:
2 eggs (beaten), then beat in
6 T melted butter
2 1/4 c. milk
2 T honey

Pour liquid into the dry ingredients, combine with a few rapid strokes.  Bake about 25 minutes. (Muffins take less... I can't remember so maybe start checking them at 10 minutes?)

I took this cornbread batter and added browned ground beef, diced onions, corn, & cheese.  It was really good!  Next time I'll add more of all of them, and maybe some sour cream, to boost the protein so it can stand alone.

Also, I'll try not to leave them in the oven so long after the timer goes ("just finish changing this diaper, and then... oh, yes, wipe that kiddo's bottom too...") because some of them were a little dry (made three pans, so half a dozen are in the freezer now!). :)

Friday, July 15, 2011


Home inspiration board...

Style inspiration board...

I've been enjoying Pinterest... such a fun way to collect inspiration pictures and ideas!  :)  You can see my boards here.  I can't decide whether I need to have lots of specific boards - individual rooms of the house, for example - or just big boards of broader things, but either way it's working and I've found some really fun ideas to inspire future projects.  If anyone needs an invite you can email me or leave your email in a comment!

Also, Micah says I can paint our piano. Yesssssss.  But what color?