
Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm loving...

- This cd, by Elizabeth Mitchell. Some friends gave this to us after Miriam was born, and it has definitely been a big hit! Nathan loves it, I like it (and don't mind listening to it all day long!), it is fun and playful without being trite or being that tinny type of kid music. LOVE it!

- My ring sling! Perfect for walks, hanging laundry, and just generally being hands free with a baby. Last night after the rain, it was nice and cool, so after dinner when Miriam was getting a bit fussy (as she is wont to do around the 8 o'clock hour!) I popped her in and she and Mama took a walk. I realized that it was the first time I'd taken her on a walk down our road... the road that I'd walked so many times trying to get labor started, as the days past my "due date" crept along (little did I know that the "due guess" was several weeks off- SO glad my midwife counseled that the baby would come when the baby was ready!). I'd also walked that road several times while in labor, trying to keep it moving (little did I know it was progressing nicely, I just wasn't feeling much discomfort so I figured it had stalled)! If you have a baby, and are without a ring sling (woe! woe!) then you can pop along over to Nature's Child, where they're giving away a beautiful Sakura Bloom Ring sling and Aden and Anais Swaddling Blankets!

If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners.
- Johnny Carson

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love the colors on that ring sling, and Sakura Blooms are so supportive--well worth the extra money.