
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Home Again

I'm back at home!


*-;-*Jessie*-;-* said...

Oh man!!!! I'm gonna' miss you Naddy! Were you at church today? Our family wasn't there, so.....

natalie said...

I got home at 1.30 am this morning. So no, I wasn't at your church this morning, but I was at the one here. :-)
It was fun seeing you Jess! Maybe someday you can come visit me. :-)

JFC said...

And those who were at the one here were happy you were here, rather than there. Welcome back, Naddy.

And thank you for the informative "bee talk." I'm a-gettin' edumacated.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back!! :-)


Anonymous said...

How was your trip

*-;-*Jessie*-;-* said...

Ya, I hope to visit you someday too!

natalie said...

Thanks JFC and Kailey! :-)

Lauren, it was great. I am glad to be home, though! :-)

That would be so much fun, Jessie! I hope someday you can!

Anonymous said...

How was the ball Natalie?

natalie said...

The ball was great. :-) I danced almost every dance and had a great time. I was really tired the day after, but I think that has more to do with going out with a group to Denny's afterwards... :-)