
Monday, December 19, 2005

Thank You

This beautiful can of spinach was one of my birthday gifts this year. I appreciate all the thought that went into this gift! I was amazed to see that it did, indeed, have Popeye on the can. I had never before seen a can of spinach with Popeye on it. Truly special!

Thank you, Mr. JFC!

(Note: if you find yourself bewildered as you read this, I suggest you read the comments on the previous post.)


JFC said...

You are welcome, Naddy. I hope you had a very happy birthday!


James said...

A tobacco pipe! As your father I feel I must advise you not to become enamored of that feller with the pipe and the cute wink. Many have followed him to ruin; but I am convinced you will recover your senses because I know the depth of your feelings on tobacco, not to mention spinach.

JFC said...


I am ever so sorry that I have done something that could corrupt your daughter. I was so intent on the healthy contents of the can that I entirely forgot to consider the pipe.

Of course, C H Spurgeon smoked cigars to the glory of God. Is it possible that Popeye has done the same with the pipe?

natalie said...

But Daddy, I love him!