The daffodils are blooming, the grass is green, the wind is blowing, and spring has sprung!
We've been celebrating with lots and lots of time outside, and by breaking out the chalk and bubbles. And we even hung the hammock today!
Now if I can find the missing pieces to the popscicle molds, we'll be set for warm weather. ;)
It was also a crazy day, because due to being up all night after a tornado warning a few days before, I totally thought it was a day earlier in the week than it was. I felt SO silly when my sweet sister-in-law walked in the door (she went into town with me and sat with the kids while I had my hair cut) and I realized I had to leave in fifteen minutes! Thankfully with her help we got everybody packed up and presentable and out the door in time. :)
Nathan has been enjoying a lot of new books from the library... I found a list somewhere of fun kids books and put a bunch on hold so they've been coming in gradually. Paddington in the Garden, Frog and Toad Together, Where the Wild Things Are...and not from the library, but a fun new story for them nonetheless, we sat down one day and read nearly the whole first book of the Boxcar Children series. That was especially fun since I have fond memories of reading those myself! I was a little surprised at how enthusiastic they were about a chapter book....I'll have to start reading more of those to them!
What fun read aloud books are your favorites? :)
Awww! That's so fun! We just really go into read-alouds here too. We're reading Charlotte's Web at the moment. It's not really a "fun" one but the kids are loving it!
You know, I remember watching the animated Charlotte's Web a number of times growing up, but I probably only read it once and wouldn't have thought of it. But it's a classic! :)
We're in the middle of "Paddington Takes the Air" at the moment. They love it when I have to stop because I'm giggling! ;)
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