
Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I opened Time magazine this afternoon, and was surprised to find an article entitled "The Right's New Wing" -- about conservative youth.
Interestingly enough, their stats show that 55% of college freshman support abortion rights... depressing, but then, in 1992 it was 67%.
Politically, there are surprises as well:
At the National Conservative Student Conference,
' "No one mentioned Bush. Which brings us back to this year's race. Although students are moving right on many issues, the President isn't necessarily benefiting. In 2000 Al Gore beat Bush among 18-to 29-year-olds by only 2 percentage points, but recent polls show Kerry with a double-digit lead among the young. (The race is a virtual tie overall.) Of course, very few conservative students will vote for Kerry, but most of the kids who attended the conference didn't seem eager to become field troops for the President either. As National Review editor Rich Lowry noted on the conservative magazine's website the day after he spoke at the conference, "What was most notable about this year was just how many smart young conservatives out there seem to think that there are no important differences between Bush and Kerry." '

Also, student quote:

'One student laid out a conservative case for Kerry: "When a Democrat is in office and proposes the same policies that Bush has proposed, Republicans act Republican and kill them," said Aakash Raut, 23, a senior at the University of Illinois at Springfield, in a heated debate with pro-Bush students. "And you have actually more conservative government than you do if a Republican is in the White House." '

I thought I recognized the name, and I was right-- Aakash Raut guest blogged at now closed Deux Ego, which was were I remembered his name from, and blogs himself at University Blog.

I'm surprised at Time magazine...they actually published something interesting and educational that wasn't Iraq war news (not, mind you, that I complain about the amount of Iraqi coverage—it not only it takes up space that would otherwise be filled with drivel about famous people or sickening movies, but also serves as a sobering reminder that the war continues.)

Someone should check the editors' temperatures.

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