Someone had a birthday.
He is now two.
There were bubbles involved. And cake. And a hair cut... those curls peeking out in the photo above are now no more... and my baby boy now looks like the big boy that he is! We gave him a big set of thrifted mega blocks
, too - which, by the way, I washed in the washer. They had a distinctly funky smell, but there were SO many that I quailed a bit at washing them by hand, so I dumped them all in and I put them through a series of rinse cycles with just water, then bleach, then just water, then vinegar. A few of them, I've noticed, still have a bit of a musty smell, but I know for a fact that they are CLEAN, so I'm ignoring it. ;)
Some milestones he's reached recently include showing an interest in coloring (versus eating the crayons), blowing bubbles, stacking blocks well, saying thank you (instead of just signing it), saying lots of new words, including plane, train, eat, food, hurt, done, wagon, stinky, shirt ("sooot"), pants, jeans, yum, and on and on.
And then we had Easter... you can't see much of Miss M's adorable outfit, but you can enjoy the boyish, fresh look Nathan sported.
Speaking of Miss M, she is walking well and steadily and everywhere, saying Mama, Dadda, uh-oh, touch, and tree, waving bye-bye to people, trying to climb things, following her brother everywhere... and generally being achingly, amazingly cute...
It has been so fun watching them both have verbal explosions in the past few months! I'm sure that they'll really be talking by the end of the summer...
Happy Birthday Nathan! Do you do a lot of signing with your wee ones? I've heard of a few moms doing it and am considering attempting a little...eventually. ;)
We don't do a lot but we do some basics... milk (for nursing), more, all done, thank you, please, sit down. I think it is incredibly helpful for the pre verbal toddler to be able to express, for example, whether they're all done eating, or want more - and I think it cuts down on fussing, too! :) I don't know whether we'll keep growing our vocabulary or not now that Nathan is starting to talk so much more, but I'd like too. :)
(p.s. I haven't forgotten, I owe you an email! :)
It is awesome as they begin to talk. It is almost like you are raising twins with the similarities in milestones. ;-)
People have always said "it'll be like having twins!" but it hasn't felt like it really until now... they're both running around and learning the same new words at the same time! It's unreal! :)
I bet they'll be learning how to ride bikes and do things like that at the same time, too... :)
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