
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shiny New Button!

 Thanks to the help of my sweet husband, who rescued me when I was banging my head against the keyboard thoroughly puzzled as to why, why, why, the image wasn't showing (double quotation marks!), and fixed the code so the image wasn't waaaaaay bigger than my sidebar, I now have my very own shiny new blog button!  I must say, having a button of my own makes me feel very cool.  ;)  I said as much to my husband, and then we went and worked out and I felt like a very wimpy person, instead... but anyway...  here it is!  Feel free to snag it and put it up! :)


Of Pigtails and Dinosaurs said...

love it!!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

very cute!!

natalie said...

thanks ladies! :) I think I want to keep experimenting with the design, but I'm so excited to have the button and easily accessible code!

Anonymous said...

looks great! love the whole new look.

natalie said...

Thanks, Shine! I think I'll add more color in the summer, but I like the crisp, clear look for January! :)

Teri said...

Can you give a tutorial to me on the button? I need one for my blog and one for the SHEM website.

natalie said...

I used this one, until I got stuck:

My issues were because I accidentally ended up with two sets of quotation marks around my links. Have nooooo idea how I did that. Try that tutorial and if you have any issues let me know and I'll try to help. :)
(my email is nj1712 (at) gmail (dot) com)