
Saturday, September 13, 2008


A small time town parade and town days. Booths everywhere. The perfect necklace, but made of healing magnetic beads that the vendor assured me would be "too strong" for me unless I had chronic pain issues. Hmm. Decide to pass on the necklace in case she is right that it will make me sleepy or unconfortable if it is "too strong". Kettle corn. Brisket and chips. The parade, prominently featuring tractors, four wheelers, bicycles, and horses, wound around the streets. Small dogs in costume. Scary clowns. Kids, high on sugar, and face painted. Sweet tea. Too loud local bands replace country played over the PA after a while. Cedar chests are down the way, on the left. People know us that I've never heard of. They've already seen the baby, he's been up and down the street already, aunts escorting him hither and yon.


Han said...

Sarah and I were wondering if there are places where parades don't contain lots of tractors...

Anna @ Feminine Adventures said...

Sounds like fun! Josh and I had quite the experience last night going to our fist college football game... pretty crazy! :)

natalie said...

Well, before I moved to the midwest, I had never seen a tractor in a parade. In fact, before I moved to the midwest, I rarely saw tractors at all! I mean, sure, cities won't have lots of tractors, but even small town parades out west don't... horses, on the other hand... :-)

Hi Anna! Wow, that does sound interesting... :-)