
Thursday, May 01, 2003

I have to dissect a fetal pig tomorrow. Bleh. :-/
On the plus side, I drove with my mom today again, and all went well. I got a letter from an old friend, which always cheers me up. :-)

I had a wonderful time at the party (thank you, Kit, Ant, and Meg!) and will (hopefully) get some good pictures back. Most of the people hadn't done the dances, but we successfully taught them not only easy ones like the Pattycake Polka but medium hard ones like the Virginia Reel, and then we were all having so much fun that we went ahead and did the Posties Jig AND the Scottish Polka! My blisters are healing nicely, thanks.

I'm going to go study for the dissection. I want to do it a ways before bed b/c I think it would impair my sleeping ability to have pictures of the internal organs of fetal pigs floating around in my head.

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