
Monday, March 01, 2010

Spring IS on the way!

It was warm enough last week to take the kiddos outside without spending hours bundling everyone up to go out and freeze for ten minutes, so we went out and enjoyed the sunshine!
Nathan started out holding my hand and walking sedately.
Then the wild grassy spaces intoxicated his boyish soul,
and he was off, trotting in erratic circles in the still brown grass,
exploring the daffodils that are peeking out.
And Miriam and I traipsed along behind, 
(she is in the new podaegi I made, which I love)
(post planned on that on Friday)
enjoying the sunshine and fresh air 
and chasing the small explorer with camera in hand.

My caption for this one-
"Mama, haven't you taken enough pictures?"
"I have to go explore tree bark, and sticks, and fallen walnuts
and then I have to throw them for the dog, and throw them at the tree, 
and wave and say 'bye!' to every truck or car that goes by on the road..."


Annie said...

Yay Spring!! We went out side today too and it was so much fun. I can't wait for it to be even warmer. WTG making your own baby carrier....I could never do that :)

Test said...

ADORABLE. Your kids are too cute!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

OH! SUNSHINE! I am so jealous. can't wait to hear more on the podegi!

natalie said...

Thanks, Annie! I'm not an expert seamstress, so things don't always turn out as pretty as I'd like but sturdy is easier than pretty so I do ok with simple carriers. :)

Thanks, Kas! I think so too... ;)

Megan, we don't have much today, but it was oh-so-glorious while it lasted. Hope you guys get some sunshine soon!