
Saturday, December 24, 2005

Well, the other Natalie tagged me for this, so here goes. :-)

Seven things I hope to do before I die:
1. Truly know the Bible.
2. Get a good grip on why I believe what I believe, one issue at a time.
3. Marry a Christian man.
4.If God blesses my future husband and I, I’d love to have many, many children.
5. I would also love to watch them grow up as faithful Christians, marry believers, and have many children themselves.
6.Learn to sew well.
7. Disabuse everyone I know of the falsehood that I am passionately fond of canned spinach.

Seven things I cannot do well:
1. Sew.
2. Knit without getting distracted and losing track of stitches.
3. Count the stitches when I’m crocheting.
4. Fly a kite
5. Finish stories I’m writing.
6. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.
7. Get up on my own without two alarm clocks unless I know I have something important to do.

Seven things that would attract me to my future husband:
I liked Natalie’s answer to this, and I’m passing on this section too.

Seven things I say often:
1. Okay...
2. Stop running in the house! (To brothers at intervals during the day.)
3. Would you pleeease make me green tea/coffee? (")
4. Did you ask mom if you could do that? (")
5. Did you call me, Mom?
7. Time to eat!

Seven authors, books or series I love:
1. The Bible
2. My Life for Yours, Praise Her in the Gates, Her Hand in Marriage
3. Pride and Prejudice
4.Chronicles of Narnia
5. Anna Karenina
6. P.G. Wodehouse
7. Dorothy Sayers’ mysteries
(Ack! Only seven? But I couldn’t fit The Scarlet Pimpernel, or A Tale of Two Cities, or The Hobbit, or...)

Seven movies I watch over and over again:
I’m modifying this to a list of seven movies I like enough to watch once a year or so.
1. Signs ("What if there are no coincidences?")
2. Raising Arizona ("Well, alright then.")
3. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (Beautiful music and big ships.)
4. My Big Fat Greek Wedding ("So, there you go.")
5. Gladiator (great agrarian themes)
6. Pride and Prejudice (either the new one or the old one)
7. A Grand Day Out with Wallace and Gromit (fun, friends, rockets, and cheese, cheese, Gromit!)

Seven people I want to do this:If you want tagged, leave a comment saying so and I’ll consider you tagged and update the post to reflect your tagged-ness. :-)


Anonymous said...

I liked Natalie’s answer to this, and I’m passing on this section too.

I believe that you need a different link for applicants than the other Natalie has.

A-Jedediah said...


A-Jedediah said...
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natalie said...

Knit without getting distracted and losing track of stitches.

Haha! This made me laugh! I started trying to learn to knit last year and had the same problem. At one point, I got distracted in a rather lengthy conversation with someone and by the time I turned back to my knitting, I had completely lost track of where I was and put it away for good. I just pulled it back out last week...but just to rip it all out and crochet it into a scarf instead. I think crocheting is much easier to keep track of.

Thanks for doing this - it was fun to find out a little more about you. :-)

A. Victoria said...

I love it!

Your books and movies are some of the same ones that I would have. Good choices, Dorothy Sayers, P.G. Wodehouse, Chronicles of Narnia, Pride & Prejudice, Hobbit (agreed).
Sign has so much more to it then just a movie about aliens, and the other movies are all wonderful. I have not seen Raising Arizona though. I will have to check it out. :)

I am inspired by your goals as well, I would have to say I desire the first 3 most of all as well, but all of them I would agree with.

The things you do not do well made me smile. I thought I was the only one that did not sew well, go to bed at a reasonable hour, get up with out lots of help, or start stories and never finish them.

Thank you for sharing all of those things. I love that I am getting to know you better. :)


A. Victoria said...

P.S. Are you going to get to come to our Barn Dance in the Gym?


Kelly said...

Another Scarlet Pimpernel lover! I only just discovered him a year or two ago myself, but I've already introduced him to my two oldest daughters.

natalie said...

Natalie: You're welcome. :-) I enjoyed reading yours as well.

A.Victoria: I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for your's fun to find things we have in common. :-)
Yes, hopefully, if we're healthy... my youngest brother had the flu Monday, and I had it today. My mom heard that it's a 12 hour flu, so hopefully all of us will be well by then. We're hoping so! :-)

Mrs. Cumbee: Yes! :-) I have only read that one book by Baronness Orcyzy, but Elai gave me the link so I could read them online. Sometime... :-)

A. Victoria said...

I hope that you all feel better and are able to come.


natalie said...

A.- Well, we're all feeling great now. :-)

M.- You're welcome, and thanks for leaving a comment. :-)

T A Lucas said...

Raising Arizona-just a really funny movie. "You ate sand?!"

Gladiator as agrarian? I've never thought of it in that light. . . although I guess blood would make a good fertilizer. And we know there was plenty of that being thrown about.

Having your siblings call you Mom is pretty funny. I can sympathize as I've been call 'Daddy' to some kids I'm really close to. I never know how to take that comment.

I tried crocheting there for a while when I was 'getting in touch with my femanine side' but then I realized that I don't have one and gave up on it. besides it hurt my yarn holding hand and the hat I made for Mary Brandon would have made her a conehead. "becareful of the fontinel." (raising arizona quote)

It is easier to finish stories if you never start them in the first place. plus you are able to shorten your list.

natalie said...

Well, I wasn't actually thinking of the fertilizing benefits of blood, although thats an interesting idea.
I was thinking more of it as an agrarian tragedy in the portrayal of his longing to go back to his family and farm. And the scenes where he is running his hand over the wheat. He doesn't want to be out there lobbing flaming tar balls at the barbarians. He wants to be at home, with his wife and son, harvesting his crops.

You know, I cannot picture you crocheting, no matter how hard I try. :-)

That is true about the stories. But in my mind, before I start, it seems like the story will just flow on and on, and that I have to start writing immediately or I'll lose the beginning of the story. So I start, and then I usually get stuck around the second page, although I do have an unfinished mystery novel which is completely finished lenghth wise, but the villain lacks a motive. Sadly, in the editing process the motive was axed due to it's total implausibility, and I haven't thought of another one yet.

natalie said...

Hmm...why does that scare me? :-o

If you feel so compelled out of the goodness of your heart to consider yourself tagged, so be it....but of course I may be too busy to fill out more quizzes. ;-)