
Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Helpful sibling: "Is there anything else you need?"
Me: "Yes, cinnamon."
Helpful sibling: "Here it is."
(I quickly unscrew the cap and with a flick of my wrist put the first of three or four planned shakes of "cinnamon" into the breakfast bars, before he stops me in alarm.)

Initial response indicates that the one shake of red pepper did not ruin breakfast.

Life with siblings is never boring!

(Yes, he knew he brought me pepper. He figured I'd read it to make sure it was cinnamon. The look of alarm on his face was pretty funny, looking back at it now.)


JFC said...

LOL (now, but I don't think I would have been too thrilled had I been given red pepper instead of cinnamon).

A. Victoria said...

That is hilarious. To think that he thought he was being ornery, and it ended up ruining his breakfast. I do believe that is called a cruel irony. :) That is funny though! :)

Were you able to save the b-fast bars, or did you end up having to make something else?

natalie said...

They tasted fine. I added a little more honey and some pumpkin pie spice and extra cinnamon.

I do think it was a fairly funny practical joke, but stopping me before I actually put pepper in should have been top priority on the part of the prankster. He did have a few anxious moments waiting to see if he had ruined breakfast, though. :-)

JFC said...

He did have a few anxious moments waiting to see if he had ruined breakfast, though. :-)

Which is right and good!

natalie said...

Yes it is. :-)

Salty coffee... oooh, yuck! At least you didn't do it on purpose, though. :-)