
Sunday, November 06, 2005

Psalm 8
from the Book of Psalms for Singing
LORD, our Lord in all the earth
How excellent Your name!
You above the heav'ns have set
The splendor of Your fame.
From the mouths of infants young
You the power of praise compose
In the face of enemies
To stop avenging foes.
When I view the skies above
Which Your own fingers made,
When I see the moon and stars
Which You in order laid,
What is man so frail and weak
That You should remember him?
What can be the son of man
That You should care for him?
Next to God You have made man,
With light and honor crowned.
You placed him abover Your works;
Beneath him all is found:
Oxen, sheep and all wild beasts,
Birds and fish the oceans claim.
LORD, our Lord in all the earth
How excellent Your name!


JFC said...


Pardon the off-topic comment ...

Due to a missing close-quote in the Deliberate Agrarian link, neither it, nor the following link to The Settler (in the Agrarian section) are operative.

Oh, have I mentioned that your blog is refreshing!


natalie said...

We especially like singing this Psalm--my brothers really enjoy it, especially the part about wild beasts.

Thanks for letting me know, those should be fixed now.

A. Victoria said...

I love that Psalm. Especially:

What is man so frail and weak
That You should remember him?
What can be the son of man
That You should care for him?

It never ceases to amaze me that the Lord thinks about us. We are so feeble minded. I am so thankful that he cares about us, even though we do not deserve it.

I love your blog, it is very refreshing and beautiful.

God Bless you.

natalie said...

A. Victoria,
That is my favorite part to sing. It perfectly expresses the marvel that God cares for such lowly creatures as we are! Thanks for sharing your thoughts- the love of God for us is indeed amazing.

I didn't get to talk to you at the Mexican restaurant or afterward, but I'm delighted that now I can get to know you better through your blog. :-)

A. Victoria said...


I am so glad that I found your blog as well. It will be fun getting to see this side of you. I will have to visit your blog from time to time and see what the Lord is doing in your life.

In Him,