
Sunday, October 09, 2005

(after quoting Luke 10:38-42)

'There are two applications here, and one of them very familiar. Unbroken fellowship with Christ is more important than having the meal turn out "just so."... But the other application is perhaps less familiar, and so it should perhaps receive more of our attention. Mary was listening to the Messiah teach; she was not off in the family room watching television or thumbing through her favorite magazines on the couch. She obviously knew some things were more important than serving in the kitchen. We may also be confident that she knew what Martha knew-- that many other things are far less important than serving in the kitchen...'

- My Life For Yours, by Douglas Wilson, Chapter 5: The Kitchen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's always been hard for me to understand this Gospel, since it seems to me that Jesus is so obviously wrong about his priorities. Also I don't think it is fair to accuse Martha of wanting to have everything just so. Hospitality to guests is an important aspect of Jewish tradition.