
Wednesday, April 19, 2006


What is it?


JFC said...

"spider or other creepy insect"

Deborah, Deborah. The words "other ... insect" implies that an antecedent insect has been mentioned. Yet one had not. A spider is not an insect. :)

I would be clueless, had I not been given a detailed explanation this past Sunday by Miss Naddy, and her co-conspirator. But, having been thus enlightened, I am not at liberty to make a serious guess.

So I guess that I will guess -- a peanut butter wafer bar that someone took a drill to, and then screened in that which they inserted therein. :D

Kay Cooke said...

Something to do with honey and bees?? :) Buzzzzzz .... Please tell me more ...

Mosey said...

I think it's bees. ^_^

Sarie said...

An explosive device? Moldy cheese...that's

Or maybe it has something to do with those creepy insects, bees.

I cannot begin to imagine what it really is.

*-;-*Jessie*-;-* said...

Does it have something to do with your bees?

natalie said...

Deborah Anne- Close! :-)
JFC- I like your guess.
Chiefbiscuit- Congratulations on beeing the first to bring up bees!
Mosey- *gasp* your comment reminds me- I have a quiz to do from you. :-)
Sarie- It's a cheese bomb. ;-)
Jessie and Lauren- YES! It does. :-)