
Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I've never been big into poetry, but the day after the ball I went to we all sat around in rocking chairs in the kitchen reading poetry aloud and drinking tea. Listening to a variety of styles and topics in the poems people chose made me realize that in neglecting reading poetry, especially older poetry, I was missing out.

So I mentioned to my parents that I needed to enlarge my horizons in the direction of poetry, and they went off together yesterday on another errand and returned with The Book of Living Verse, edited by Louis Untermeyer (which has, among others, some John Donne, George Herbert, Francis Thompson, and G.K. Chesterton), and Selected Poems, by Tennyson.

Very exciting! Thanks, mom and dad!


~A4O~ said...

Nice that your parents support your opinions. If want another view on things, check out my blog. ake it easy, Mike...

Micah David said...

ooh, I'm jealous! I've been wanting to get back into reading poetry, but have very little idea where to start. Between having very little time, and getting very depressed by the selection at secular bookstores, I've made little headway. Enjoy your books.

natalie said...

Micah- I hope you don't turn green. That would be a most unbecoming color for you to be! *grin*
I wouldn't have known where to start either, so the book with many poets is great- this way I can figure out which poets I like (and don't). If you'd care to borrow it in a few weeks I'd be happy to loan it to you!
Lauren- I'm glad you like poetry too! :-) Hey, you should post some poems on your blog...either ones you've written or ones that you really like. :-)
Deborah Anne- Thanks! I do have Shakespeare's sonnets, and there are some poems by Wordsworth in the book of selected poems, too. I've enjoyed some of George MacDonald's fiction, so I'll have to look into his poetry!

James said...

Micah, try ABC books in Springfield if you haven't been there yet. On Glenstone right by the Andy's Frozen Custard. One of the best used book stores I have been to in quite a while.

JFC said...

Micah & Settler:

While we're on the subject of used book stores to recommend, you might try the one across National from CPO (National at Republic Road). It has quite a selection of material. The only downside is: the owner knows Reformed folks will pay good money for good used books, and he often prices things accordingly. But it is still generally much less expensive than new.